Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Highway 249: Another part of the Trans-Texas Corridor?

OPINION: No toll road

October 11, 2005

The Navasota Examiner
Copyright 2005

On Sept. 12, the Commissioner's Court of Grimes County approved a resolution to oppose the TransTexas Corridor. Thank you commissioners and judge.

At that same Commissioner's Court meeting, Mr. Bryan Wood with TxDOT spoke to the court about a ”different“ toll road. This road will become Highway 249. It will connect Houston to Bryan-College Station. We didn't want the Aggie Expressway, so TxDOT has renamed it and is trying to push this on us instead. It certainly looks like this is just a ”portion“ of the Trans-Texas Corridor.

We live in beautiful, peaceful, small town atmospheres because we don't want to live in big, smog-filled cities. Why would we want the fast-paced, smog-ridden vehicles coming through here?

We have pastures, and woodlands. Did someone from the big cities discover that they no longer have any available land and since we do they should ”steal our land“ and fill our open spaces with toll roads and all the things that even the big cities complain about like smog, trash, bumper-to-bumper traffic? And what about the gun-toting drivers we hear about in the big cities like Houston? We don't want that here in our peaceful community do we?

There is a public meeting scheduled at 6 p.m. Oct. 25 at the junior high gym on Brosig Avenue in Navasota. Let's tell TxDOT and anyone interested in taking our choice of lifestyle away ”No Thanks.“

There are some counties in Texas that like the idea of a Texas toll road system. I say let them give up their land to TxDOT and the rest of this group.

Remember this: when our land is gone it can't be replaced. I'd rather see a pasture of cows than a herd of 18-wheelers when I look out my windows, wouldn't you?

Please attend the meeting on Oct. 25 and contact all your elected officials and tell them we don't want or need this in our county.

God Bless Grimes County and our way of life

Marie Kampbell,

The Navasota Examiner: http://www.navasotaexaminer.com
