Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"There is no state agency that has conducted itself in such a heavy-handed, self-serving, public-be-damned fashion as TxDOT."

The Sky is Falling! – So Says Michael Behrens, TxDOT Executive Director

"As well it should," says CorridorWatch co-founder David Stall.

Copyright 2007

Stall says, "No state agency deserves to have the sky fall on their world more than TxDOT. They've earned it with several years of willful misconduct under the leadership of Ric Williamson."

In response to Behrens, Stall claims there is no state agency that has conducted itself in such a heavy-handed, self-serving, public-be-damned fashion as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). They know no bounds. They run roughshod over everyone from private citizens, to transportation consultants, to city and county officials, to statewide transportation organizations, to state legislators, to legislative committees, and even the United States Congress. Anyone that disagrees with anything the Texas Transportation Commission has decided will find the entire range of TxDOT resources used to crush them.

In a letter responding to Rep. Fred Hill, Michael Behrens bemoans the fate of TxDOT projects should HB1892 become law. If TxDOT has problems they only have themselves to blame.

CorridorWatch believes that the public deserves better than what they've been getting from TxDOT. Stall says, "TxDOT needs to change the way they do business. Maybe this will remind them that their primary mission is not extracting money from the public they were created to serve."

The real question that should be asked is, can the legislature get this monster under control or will TxDOT prove to have enough power and control to continue doing whatever they want without restraint.

© 2007 CorridorWatch:

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