Saturday, May 10, 2008

Perry: "If there are folks out there telling them here's where the roads gonna go and here's what it's gonna look like they might be pulling your leg"

TTC Protest


by Christa Lollis
Copyright 2008

(Nacogdoches) Signs protesting the Trans Texas Corridor and Governor Rick Perry lined North Street in Nacogdoches this afternoon. East Texans are concerned about their land and wanted the governor to know.

"My home and my personal property is in the corridor so I stand to lose my home, my land and everything that I've worked for, my security. Our community will be split and our lives will certainly be changed forever," Larry Shelton from Nacogdoches County explained.

That is one of the groups major concerns. They're worried East Texans will have to pay too high a price for the TTC. Merry Anne Bright says, "People are concerned about a loss of private land that a corridor that takes a 1200 foot swipe through East Texas is too much."

During the governors visit to East Texas he told KTRE that no routes have been set in stone and any maps made so far are just proposals. And Perry responded, "I think that if there are folks that are out there telling them here's where the roads gonna go and here's what it's gonna look like they might be pulling your leg."

But that's not these protestors only issue. They're also upset about having to pay for roads they don't want in the first place. Perry says new roads have to be paid for some how, but anything existing will remain a free road. "Those are prohibited by laws. You can't by law toll existing roads." These East Texans are sticking to what they believe in and say they'll keep fighting until the battle is over.

© 2008 KTRE-TV:

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