Thursday, October 05, 2006

"The only thing scarier than these toll road schemes is the apathy of many Texans."

Hands Across the Corridor rallies attract hundreds


Letters to the Editor
The Cameron Herald
Copyright 2006

The Milam County portion of the “Hands Across the Corridor” Statewide Rallies was held Saturday, Sept. 30, on the Milam County Courthouse lawn. We had a great assembly of concerned Texans, Democrats, Republicans, Strayhorn Independents and even a couple of really “Kinky” folks.

Everyone in attendance agreed that our current Governor and many of our senators and representatives have forgotten the constituents that they are supposed to represent. They seem to be representing only ‘big money contributors and companies' whose interests are not what is best for Texas, but how much money the ‘projects' (toll roads and corridor) can make for their stockholders.

On this same morning, in over 40 counties, hundreds of Texans were gathered to express this same concern before our state becomes ‘one giant toll road interchange' for the growing idea of a North American Union. We are told that such a union will help Central and South American economies (you know, NAFTA and CAFTA) not really sure how this will help US. Has NAFTA helped us average Texas taxpayers? I do see many more Mexican trucks bringing in more cheap products to compete with Texas goods.

Independent Carole Strayhorn attended several of these rallies supporting Texans in our concern and opposition to the Trans Texas Corridor and the increasing plans to toll new (and many existing roads). A statement from Candidate Strayhorn was read by Agnes Vogus, secretary of Blackland Coalition. Don Schuerman, Milam Democratic county chairman, spoke about candidate Chris Bell's opposition to the TTC also.

I guess our present elected officials think a big, new toll road will help get these foreign products into and through Texas more quickly. We won't need the blackland farmland that the road will ruin, since we can ship all our food up from below the border. Who cares that they can, and do, fertilize using human wastes (e-coli) and that they will be using our Milam County water to grow much of our future food and produce. (That 90” water line planned for the corridor will easily transport lots of water away from Milam and down South.)

The only thing scarier than these toll road schemes is probably the apathy of many Texans, and the media, and the lack of interest in joining, supporting or covering such events and rallies as these before it is too late.

Margaret Green,


© 2006 The Cameron Herald:
