Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Soon we will know who can and cannot stand up to the pressure and improper influence of the Transportation Commission and their private toll lobby."


Only Hours Remain To Act Tuesday

The battle on the House floor is set to begin.

April 10, 2007

Copyright 2007

Today we can and will strike a blow to the TTC and outrageous private tollroad deals.

We need every State Representative to support HB1892 and see that it is amended today to include a two year moratorium on all private toll road agreements; without loopholes or exceptions.

It Is Not Too Late To Take Action!

If you have not yet talked to a live person in your Representatives office please call them again this morning. Be sure to call before 1:00pm today.

Time is Critical . . . ask that they stay the course and strongly support an unconditional 2-year moratorium on private toll road deals.

If you know who your Representative is you can use the Scorecard to find his or her telephone number [CLICK HERE].

If you don't know who your Representative is you can use Who Represents Me? to find out [CLICK HERE].

In Either Case It Is Very Important That They Get a Telephone Call From You on TODAY BEFORE 1 PM.

Your investment of less than one minute today can effect all Texas for the next 50 years.


It's Time to Pull Out All the Stops!

What Happens In Austin Today Can Make A Real Difference In The Future of Texas.

We are making huge strides toward reversing the ill advised policy of selling out Texans, Texas highways and private property to the highest bidder. Today we can put the brakes on the creation of enormous private monopolies that will certainly cost future generations in ways that are impossible to foresee today.

Monday was good, Tuesday can be great.

Our Representatives extended their Easter weekend into Monday. Some included their staff in the extra day off leaving their offices closed. In their absence we filled many of their answering machines to capacity.

Tuesday when they return those who missed our personal calls need to hear from us again. Even if we left a message yesterday, we need to call again and make sure they know that constituents in their district want to be protected from outrageous private tollroad deals.

We are gaining attention.

David Stall appeared on the Dallas television news Monday night warning North Texas counties that a Spanish corporation intends to buy their way into a monopoly that will take tremendous sums of toll money out of those counties and at the same time severely limit their opportunity for future transportation alternatives.

CorridorWatch and others have advanced stern warnings to the Legislature.

Guest editorials authored by CorridorWatch have run in several Texas publications including the Houston Business Journal. That editorial concluded with the observation that when blame is assigned for bad decisions the most damning question is, "What did you know and when did you know it?"

Today this Legislature has received warnings from notable transportation experts who have testified that these private toll agreements spell disaster for Texas. Those in the Legislature know these things now when they have both the opportunity and obligation to act.

More than ever a moratorium is needed.

CorridorWatch expects the 2-year moratorium language of HB2772 will be attached to HB1892 as a friendly amendment when that bill comes to the floor today, Tuesday.

Every Representative, Especially Those Who Have Signed On to HB2772 Needs to Throw Their Support to HB1892 and the Amendment Today.

The 2-year moratorium (HB2772) wildly supported in the legislature is now blocked by only one person, House Transportation Committee Chair Mike Krusee. The right action today can crush his effort.

Transportation policy should be about transportation, not just about the money.

Those who want to reap windfall profits and those who want to spend up-front payments have been putting tremendous pressure on our legislators to keep the money scheme alive.

Soon we will know who can and cannot stand up to the pressure and improper influence of the Transportation Commission and their private toll lobby.

Soon we will know if Ric Williamson is correct when he says that his needs trump the objections of the people.

CorridorWatch will be watching and reporting.

CorridorWatch co-founder David Stall will be in the House gallery Tuesday watching the action and reporting to CorridorWatch members with his own firsthand account.

© 2007 CorridorWatch.org: www.corridorwatch.org

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